PROTECT Village Services


Our water and sewer infrastructure need repair and replacement.  For example, a $1.5 million water tower will need replacing in the next few years.  The roads require frequent patching and repaving.  Road life would increase if the base, not just the surface, was replaced.  Parking in the central business district could be increased with reconfiguration of existing lots and by sharing parking lots with businesses.  Our sidewalks are crumbling and are lacking in many areas.  Grants the CDTC Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan and Linkage Study will provide plans that will allow us to go for larger implementation grants to repair and extend sidewalks and trails.  Significant grant funding is available from both the State and Federal government.  Many area towns and villages have used these grants to offset up to 80% of the cost of these improvements.  As an experience grant writer Ben Baskin donate his time and expertise to complete applications on behalf of the Village.